What is The Alexander Technique?

NEVER HEARD OF The Alexander Technique? Simply put, it is a system of psycho-physical re-education. It helps people re-learn how to use their whole self (mind and body) so that they can function with greater ease. For more information, check out this website: AlexanderTechnique.com. Also, please check out my first blog post as an introduction to F. M. Alexander.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Strong Stimuli

So... I am often stumped on what to do with strong stimuli.  You know there will be something (could be anything) maybe an electronic device, a loud noise, a room, or even a person... whatever it is, it seems to always get your goat.  And by that, I mean bring you down both literally and figuratively.

So... how do we handle strong stimuli?  Ignoring it sometimes makes the "down" stronger.  Removing it might be an option, but when it's not an option what can you do?

One thing I like to play with is "inclusion".  Whatever the stimuli, I try to include it into my environment. Accept it.  I don't mean I have to like it, but rather say to myself "It is what it is.  I am with myself and the stimulus is doing it's own thing.  I do not need to take on the negativity I am feeling with this stimulus.  I will allow the stimulus to have it's own space while I have my own space and Self.

OK - So, I know this is a lot easier said than done.  I'm not saying I succeed a whole lot, but maybe over time this concept will start to sink into my being and become second nature to me.  What can it hurt?

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