What is The Alexander Technique?

NEVER HEARD OF The Alexander Technique? Simply put, it is a system of psycho-physical re-education. It helps people re-learn how to use their whole self (mind and body) so that they can function with greater ease. For more information, check out this website: AlexanderTechnique.com. Also, please check out my first blog post as an introduction to F. M. Alexander.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Direct Your Thought

One of Alexander's principles is 'Direction'.  My current understanding of what this principle teaches is that 'Direction' is not a specific place like North, South, East or West but rather we, each of us, has the power to direct our own thoughts in order to make changes.

In regard to the Primary Control, the 'Direction' we give ourselves is, 'Forward and Up'.  Physically (if you will permit me for a moment to separate the mind from the body) when I think of 'Forward and Up' I visualize my A/O joint and then I picture an arching arrow continuing to spiral my Self up and out of the top of my scull.  The effect for me (right now anyway) is one of lengthening, lightness, full breaths, and the ability to move in any direction at any given moment.  (That's quite a bit going on for a simple little phrase!)  There are many other 'Directions' we can give ourselves, but for this moment I wanted to use this one example.

What I have been most intrigued with lately is how 'Direction' is beyond the physical example I mentioned.  I am learning that my entire life (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually etc.) is supported and propelled by how I choose to Direct My Thought.  For example, if I continually speak to my Self in a negative context, those directions will have a negative effect on my entire Self.  So if I decided to make a change in my life... if I decide that I want to change my habit of negative self talk... I absolutely can do that!  I also have to realize that changing a habit is difficult and will take time.  I will need to remind myself that when I repeat the habit that I want to eradicate, that I am not perfect, that I've lived with this habit for a very long time, and I also need to congratulate myself for simply noticing my old habit.  Behavioral change can be a very good thing and it can also take a very long time.

What I LOVE is that I do have the power within me to change my habits.  Which means that I can change my life to make it what I want it to be.  And I can do ALL of this with just a Thought.

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